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Most Common Questions

  • When should you NOT trim trees?
    Pruning during the growing season always stimulates new growth. During summer's heat, having to produce that ill-timed new flush of growth greatly stresses a tree. Pruning in the fall is even worse as it prevents the tree from going into a natural dormancy. The exception is heavily damaged, disease or dead wood.
  • How do you properly trim a tree ?
    You cut downward and outward close to perpendicular to the tree branch. If you are not comfortable doing this hire Lic and Insured tree expert
  • Is it OK to prune tress in summer ?
    In general, pruning a tree when it is dormant is recommended if there are large branches to remove; that is, pruning between the time the leaves fall from the tree in the fall and the time the buds swell in the spring. However, pruning for safety reasons or minor pruning may also be done in the summer. In fact, some shrubs and spring flowering trees are best pruned immediately following flowering in the spring.
  • How high would you trim trees?
    Prune all branches above four feet growing toward the center of the tree. Always cut back to a larger branch of the trunk. Don't cut to see over branches, but to see through them. Cut off branches that cross each other, rub against the trunk or are dead.
  • When should trees be pruned ?
    Generally, the best time to prune or trim trees and shrubs is during the winter months. From November through March, most trees are dormant which makes it the ideal time for the following reasons: Trees are less susceptible to insects or disease.
  • Should you trim lower branches on trees?
    Still, the majority of the time, you do NOT want to cut away your lower branches! This is because they're there for an important reason: they serve as a tree's structural reinforcement. ... A tree that has much of its lower trunk exposed can get more directly hit by strong winds, causing it to upend (known as “windthrow”).
  • How much of a tree can you cut without killing it?
    If a tree repeatedly loses too much of its canopy at one time, it can become weak or even die from the stress. That's why you shouldn't trim more than 25% of a tree's canopy at one time. Cutting the branch collar can also be a nasty error.
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